
I’m tired. So tired. So very tired.

I don’t want to be sick anymore. It just isn’t fun. Over the weekend I transitioned from “recovering from seasonal allergies” to “full blown cold and bright red eyes”.

Work on my side project, from this point on referred to as Tiqr, is continuing. Slowly I might add. The scope of it has drastically increased and the more time I have spent with it, as cool as I think it already is, the more I thought it needed a couple of more things to really make it useful.

In my head I’m aiming for an early September release. Hopefully I’ll be opening it up to some beta testing in early August.

It is definitely something I will use, and I hope that others might find a use for it as well.

I do need to rework my plan a little bit. Just to help order the remaining tasks and build up a timeline.

I have also been thinking about keeping sort of a development diary for the whole project, and making all of the posts public when I finally finish it. In fact I will do that. I’ll have to add that to my list of things to do.

Sometimes work is flat out unbelievable. I miss my old manager(s) who didn’t throw infinite amounts of work at me. I am tasked at probably 150% capacity right now, with rumours that even more work is going to come my way. Enough to put me at 180% or worse. Needless to say, it won’t all get done. It just can’t. I can do 110%, maybe even up to 120%, but not this much.

I don’t want to live at the office.